sniff.js 2.73 KB
define(["./has"], function(has){
	// module:
	//		dojo/sniff

	return function(){
		// summary:
		//		This module sets has() flags based on the current browser.
		//		It returns the has() function.

		var n = navigator,
			dua = n.userAgent,
			dav = n.appVersion,
			tv = parseFloat(dav);

		has.add("air", dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR") >= 0);
		has.add("msapp", parseFloat(dua.split("MSAppHost/")[1]) || undefined);
		has.add("khtml", dav.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0 ? tv : undefined);
		has.add("webkit", parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1]) || undefined);
		has.add("chrome", parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1]) || undefined);
		has.add("safari", dav.indexOf("Safari")>=0 && !has("chrome") ? parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]) : undefined);
		has.add("mac", dav.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0);
		has.add("quirks", document.compatMode == "BackCompat");
			var p = RegExp.$1.replace(/P/, "p");
			var v = dua.match(/OS ([\d_]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "1";
			var os = parseFloat(v.replace(/_/, ".").replace(/_/g, ""));
			has.add(p, os);		// "iphone", "ipad" or "ipod"
			has.add("ios", os);
		has.add("android", parseFloat(dua.split("Android ")[1]) || undefined);
		has.add("bb", (dua.indexOf("BlackBerry") >= 0 || dua.indexOf("BB10") >= 0) && parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || undefined);

		has.add("svg", typeof SVGAngle !== "undefined");

			// Opera
			if(dua.indexOf("Opera") >= 0){
				// see and
				// 9.8 has both styles; <9.8, 9.9 only old style
				has.add("opera", tv >= 9.8 ? parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || tv : tv);

			// Mozilla and firefox
			if(dua.indexOf("Gecko") >= 0 && !has("khtml") && !has("webkit")){
				has.add("mozilla", tv);
				//We really need to get away from this. Consider a sane isGecko approach for the future.
				has.add("ff", parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1] || dua.split("Minefield/")[1]) || undefined);

			// IE
			if(document.all && !has("opera")){
				var isIE = parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1]) || undefined;

				//In cases where the page has an HTTP header or META tag with
				//X-UA-Compatible, then it is in emulation mode.
				//Make sure isIE reflects the desired version.
				//document.documentMode of 5 means quirks mode.
				//Only switch the value if documentMode's major version
				//is different from isIE's major version.
				var mode = document.documentMode;
				if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(isIE) != mode){
					isIE = mode;

				has.add("ie", isIE);

			// Wii
			has.add("wii", typeof opera != "undefined" && opera.wiiremote);

	return has;