demo.js 2.13 KB

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Create an instance of our docker window and assign it to the document.
    var myDocker = new wcDocker('.container', {
        allowDrawers: false,
        responseRate: 10,
        allowContextMenu: false,
        allowCollapse: false,
        themePath: 'bower_components/webcabin-docker/Build/Themes',
        theme: 'shadow.min'
    if (myDocker) {
        myDocker.registerPanelType('Menue Window', {
            isPrivate: true,
            faicon: 'graduation-cap',
            layout: wcDocker.LAYOUT.SIMPLE,
            onCreate: function (myPanel) {
                myPanel.initSize(400, 400);
                myPanel.minSize(200, 200);
        // Here we actually add all of our registered panels into our document.
        var x = 30;
        var y = 10;
        $(document.body).on('click', '', function () {
            var linkName = $(this).data('name');
            if (!$('ul.opened-menus > li#'+linkName).length) {
                var panel = myDocker.addPanel('Menue Window', wcDocker.DOCK.FLOAT, null, {w:'400px', h:'400px', x: x+'%', y: y+'%'});
                panel.layout().scene().css('background-color', '#fff');
                panel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.LOADED, function(data) {
                    $('ul.opened-menus').append('<li id="'+linkName+'">'+linkName+'</li>');
                panel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.CLOSED, function(data) {
                    $('ul.opened-menus > li#'+linkName).remove();

                if (x >= 100) {
                    x = 30;
                } else {
                    x = x + 2;

                if (y >= 100) {
                    y = 30;
                } else {
                    y = y + 2;

        myDocker.on(wcDocker.EVENT.LOADED, function() {