node.js 2.28 KB
define(["./has"], function(has){
		throw new Error("node plugin failed to load because environment is not Node.js");

	var pathUtil;
		pathUtil = require.nodeRequire("path");
		throw new Error("node plugin failed to load because it cannot find the original Node.js require");

	return {
		// summary:
		//		This AMD plugin module allows native Node.js modules to be loaded by AMD modules using the Dojo
		//		loader. Note that this plugin will not work with AMD loaders other than the Dojo loader.
		// example:
		//	|	require(["dojo/node!fs"], function(fs){
		//	|		var fileData = fs.readFileSync("foo.txt", "utf-8");
		//	|	});

		load: function(/*string*/ id, /*Function*/ require, /*Function*/ load){
			// summary:
			//		Standard AMD plugin interface. See
			//		for information.

				throw new Error("Cannot find native require function");

			load((function(id, require){
				var oldDefine = define,

				// Some modules may attempt to detect an AMD loader via define and define.amd.  This can cause issues
				// when other CommonJS modules attempt to load them via the standard node require().  If define is
				// temporarily moved into another variable, it will prevent modules from detecting AMD in this fashion.
				define = undefined;

					result = require(id);
					define = oldDefine;
				return result;
			})(id, require.nodeRequire));

		normalize: function (/**string*/ id, /*Function*/ normalize){
			// summary:
			//		Produces a normalized id to be used by node.  Relative ids are resolved relative to the requesting
			//		module's location in the file system and will return an id with path separators appropriate for the
			//		local file system.

			if(id.charAt(0) === "."){
				// dirname of the reference module - normalized to match the local file system
				var referenceModuleDirname = require.toUrl(normalize(".")).replace("/", pathUtil.sep),
					segments = id.split("/");
				// this will produce an absolute path normalized to the semantics of the underlying file system.
				id = pathUtil.join.apply(pathUtil, segments);

			return id;