ready.js 4.53 KB
define(["./_base/kernel", "./has", "require", "./has!host-browser?./domReady", "./_base/lang"], function(dojo, has, require, domReady, lang){
	// module:
	//		dojo/ready
	// note:
	//		This module should be unnecessary in dojo 2.0

		// truthy if DOMContentLoaded or better (e.g., window.onload fired) has been achieved
		isDomReady = 0,

		// The queue of functions waiting to execute as soon as dojo.ready conditions satisfied
		loadQ = [],

		// prevent recursion in onLoad
		onLoadRecursiveGuard = 0,

		handleDomReady = function(){
			isDomReady = 1;
			dojo._postLoad = dojo.config.afterOnLoad = true;

		onEvent = function(){
			// Called when some state changes:
			//		- dom ready
			//		- dojo/domReady has finished processing everything in its queue
			//		- task added to loadQ
			//		- require() has finished loading all currently requested modules
			// Run the functions queued with dojo.ready if appropriate.

			//guard against recursions into this function
			onLoadRecursiveGuard = 1;

			// Run tasks in queue if require() is finished loading modules, the dom is ready, and there are no
			// pending tasks registered via domReady().
			// The last step is necessary so that a user defined dojo.ready() callback is delayed until after the
			// domReady() calls inside of dojo.	  Failure can be seen on dijit/tests/robot/Dialog_ally.html on IE8
			// because the dijit/focus.js domReady() callback doesn't execute until after the test starts running.
			while(isDomReady && (!domReady || domReady._Q.length == 0) && (require.idle ? require.idle() : true) && loadQ.length){
				var f = loadQ.shift();
					// force the dojo.js on("error") handler do display the message = e.message;
						require.signal("error", e);
						throw e;

			onLoadRecursiveGuard = 0;

	// Check if we should run the next queue operation whenever require() finishes loading modules or domReady
	// finishes processing it's queue.
	require.on && require.on("idle", onEvent);
		domReady._onQEmpty = onEvent;

	var ready = dojo.ready = dojo.addOnLoad = function(priority, context, callback){
		// summary:
		//		Add a function to execute on DOM content loaded and all requested modules have arrived and been evaluated.
		//		In most cases, the `domReady` plug-in should suffice and this method should not be needed.
		//		When called in a non-browser environment, just checks that all requested modules have arrived and been
		//		evaluated.
		// priority: Integer?
		//		The order in which to exec this callback relative to other callbacks, defaults to 1000
		// context: Object?|Function
		//		The context in which to run execute callback, or a callback if not using context
		// callback: Function?
		//		The function to execute.
		// example:
		//	Simple DOM and Modules ready syntax
		//	|	require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
		//	|		ready(function(){ alert("Dom ready!"); });
		//	|	});
		// example:
		//	Using a priority
		//	|	require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
		//	|		ready(2, function(){ alert("low priority ready!"); })
		//	|	});
		// example:
		//	Using context
		//	|	require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
		//	|		ready(foo, function(){
		//	|			// in here, this == foo
		//	|		});
		//	|	});
		// example:
		//	Using dojo/hitch style args:
		//	|	require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
		//	|		var foo = { dojoReady: function(){ console.warn(this, "dojo dom and modules ready."); } };
		//	|		ready(foo, "dojoReady");
		//	|	});

		var hitchArgs = lang._toArray(arguments);
		if(typeof priority != "number"){
			callback = context;
			context = priority;
			priority = 1000;
		callback = callback ?
			lang.hitch.apply(dojo, hitchArgs) :
		callback.priority = priority;
		for(var i = 0; i < loadQ.length && priority >= loadQ[i].priority; i++){}
		loadQ.splice(i, 0, callback);

	has.add("dojo-config-addOnLoad", 1);
		var dca = dojo.config.addOnLoad;
			ready[(lang.isArray(dca) ? "apply" : "call")](dojo, dca);

	if(has("dojo-sync-loader") && dojo.config.parseOnLoad && !dojo.isAsync){
		ready(99, function(){
				dojo.deprecated("Add explicit require(['dojo/parser']);", "", "2.0");


	return ready;