request.js 2.55 KB
	'./promise/Promise' =====*/
], function(request/*=====, declare, Promise =====*/){
	request = function(url, options){
		// summary:
		//		Send a request using the default transport for the current platform.
		// url: String
		//		The URL to request.
		// options: dojo/request.__Options?
		//		Options for the request.
		// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
	request.__Promise = declare(Promise, {
		// response: dojo/promise/Promise
		//		A promise resolving to an object representing
		//		the response from the server.
	request.__BaseOptions = declare(null, {
		// query: String|Object?
		//		Query parameters to append to the URL.
		// data: String|Object?
		//		Data to transfer.  This is ignored for GET and DELETE
		//		requests.
		// preventCache: Boolean?
		//		Whether to append a cache-busting parameter to the URL.
		// timeout: Integer?
		//		Milliseconds to wait for the response.  If this time
		//		passes, the then the promise is rejected.
		// handleAs: String?
		//		How to handle the response from the server.  Default is
		//		'text'.  Other values are 'json', 'javascript', and 'xml'.
	request.__MethodOptions = declare(null, {
		// method: String?
		//		The HTTP method to use to make the request.  Must be
		//		uppercase.
	request.__Options = declare([request.__BaseOptions, request.__MethodOptions]);

	request.get = function(url, options){
		// summary:
		//		Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
		// url: String
		//		URL to request
		// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
		//		Options for the request.
		// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
	}; = function(url, options){
		// summary:
		//		Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
		// url: String
		//		URL to request
		// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
		//		Options for the request.
		// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
	request.put = function(url, options){
		// summary:
		//		Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
		// url: String
		//		URL to request
		// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
		//		Options for the request.
		// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
	request.del = function(url, options){
		// summary:
		//		Send an HTTP DELETE request using the default transport for the current platform.
		// url: String
		//		URL to request
		// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
		//		Options for the request.
		// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
	return request;