8976.html 1.21 KB
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../../dojo.js"
                djConfig="parseOnLoad: false, isDebug: true"></script>
<h1>Testcase for #8976</h1>
<p>Test case for <a href="http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/8976">#8976</a>, an async load issue with Firefox even 
    though the loading should be synchronous. Click the button then check console log for output of test. If "count = 1, worked" 
    shows up instead of an error, then the test is successful.

var count = 0;
function wait(count){
	console.log("count = "+count+", calling addOnLoad");
			console.log("count = "+count+", testing");
			var i = dijit.layout.TabController.constructor;
			console.log("count = "+count+", worked");
		}catch(e){ alert("failed: " + e) }
	console.log("count = "+count+", addOnLoad returned");
function load(count){
	console.log("count = "+count+", calling require");
	console.log("count = "+count+", require returned");
<input type=button onmousedown="load(count++);return true" onmouseup="wait(count++);return true" value="click this button to load and wait">