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<script src=../../../../dojo.js></script>
dojo.byId("msg").innerHTML = "OK";
console.log("the value of m1 at completion is: " + dojo.tests._base.loader.require.m1);
console.log("the value of m2 at completion is: " + dojo.tests._base.loader.require.m2);
<div id="msg">loading</div>
This test dojo.require's a module (m1) that is a legacy module that
depends on another legacy module (m2). m1 is wrapped in dojo/require!
to guarantee that m2 is onboard before m1 starts evaluating. The
loading message above should change to "OK" and you should see the
following console ouput:
m2, a plain-old-style synch module, evaluated OK
m1, a plain-old-style synch module wrapped in dojo/require!, evaluate start
the value of m2 in m1 is: this is the value of m2
m1 evaluate end
ready in m1 called
the value of m1 at completion is: this is the value of m1
the value of m2 at completion is: this is the value of m2