test_dnd_handles.html 2.84 KB
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
	<title>Dojo DnD with handles test</title>
	<style type="text/css">
		@import "../../resources/dojo.css";
		@import "../../resources/dnd.css";
		@import "dndDefault.css";

		body { padding: 1em; background: #ededed; }

		.container { width: 100px; display: block; }
		.container.handles .dojoDndHandle { background: #fee; }
		.clear { clear: both; }

	<script type="text/javascript" src="../../dojo.js" data-dojo-config="isDebug: true"></script>

	<script type="text/javascript">
		require(["dojo/parser", "dojo/dnd/Source", "dojo/domReady!"], function(parser){
	<h1 class="testTitle">Dojo DnD with handles test</h1>

	<p>Following selection modes are supported by default:</p>
		<li>Simple click &mdash; selects a single element, all other elements will be unselected.</li>
		<li>Ctrl+click &mdash; toggles a selection state of an element (use Meta key on Mac).</li>
		<li>Shift+click &mdash; selects a range of element from the previous anchor to the current element.</li>
		<li>Ctrl+Shift+click &mdash; adds a range of element from the previous anchor to the current element (use Meta key on Mac).</li>
	<p>Following drop modes are supported by default:</p>
		<li>Simple drop &mdash; moves elements to the valid target removing them from the source. It can be used to reorganize elements within a single source/target.</li>
		<li>Ctrl+drop &mdash; copies elements to the valid target (use Meta key on Mac).</li>
	<p>Source with handles. Items should be draggable by the "em" of the word "Item" (and also see a 'move' cursor on it).</p>
	<div data-dojo-type="dojo/dnd/Source" data-dojo-id="c1" withHandles="true" class="container handles">
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle"><span class="dojoDndIgnore">It</span>em</span> <strong>Alpha</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle"><span class="dojoDndIgnore">It</span>em</span> <strong>Beta</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle"><span class="dojoDndIgnore">It</span>em</span> <strong>Gamma</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle"><span class="dojoDndIgnore">It</span>em</span> <strong>Delta</strong></div>

	<p>Source without handles.</p>
	<div data-dojo-type="dojo/dnd/Source" data-dojo-id="c2" class="container">
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle">Item</span> <strong>Epsilon</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle">Item</span> <strong>Zeta</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle">Item</span> <strong>Eta</strong></div>
		<div class="dojoDndItem"><span class="dojoDndHandle">Item</span> <strong>Theta</strong></div>

	<p>HTML after</p>
