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        <article><h1>Welcome!</h1><p>Welcome to!  Your developers cabin, on the web!  </p>
<p>Here at Web Cabin, we sincerely believe that anyone with the proper tools can become a developer! The open source community provides us with a powerful network for sharing, inspiring, and revolutionizing the world! It is awfully daunting, viewing the long road ahead through our small cabin window, but all memorable journeys must have a beginning. Will you join us?</p>
<h3>New!</h3><p>I've create a new theme builder panel that appears right on the <a href="">demonstration front page</a>! Build your own custom themes live within the page view!</p>
<h3>What is wcDocker?</h3><p>wcDocker (Web Cabin Docker) is a responsive IDE interface designed for the developer at heart!  Compartmentalize your environment into smaller components, put each of those parts into a docker panel, and organize your environment however you like, whenever you like!</p>
<h3><a href=""></a></h3><ul>
<li>Try the front page demo.</li>
<h3><a href=""></a></h3><ul>
<li>View the API documentation.</li>
<h3><a href=""></a></h3><ul>
<li>View the source code.</li>
<h3><a href=""></a></h3><ul>
<li>Try out our upcoming project (currently in alpha development), a completely web based Action RPG Maker tool!  </li>
<li>Extremely responsive design!</li>
<li>Organization and duplication of panels at any time!</li>
<li>Easily create your own themes!</li>
<li>Comprehensive API Documentation!</li>
<li>Easily save and restore your layout!</li>
<li>Compatible with all major browsers, including IE8.</li>
<li>Completely free!</li>
<h3>Getting Started</h3><p>See the <a href="">Getting Started</a> tutorial.</p>
<h3>Change Log</h3><h4>Version: (pre-release) 3.0.0</h4><ul>
<li><p><strong>WARNING: Before upgrading to this version from 2.2.0, You will need to make the following changes in your implementation:</strong></p>
<li>Themes are no longer linked directly to the page using the &lt;link&gt; tag, instead use wcDocker.theme().</li>
<li><p>If your themes are not found in the &quot;Themes&quot; folder, you will need to assign the correct path when you construct your wcDocker instance.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>new wcDocker(domNode, {themePath: 'New/theme/folder'});</code></pre></li>
<li><p>All <code>wcDocker.DOCK</code>, <code>wcDocker.EVENT</code>, and <code>wcDocker.ORIENTATION</code> enumerations have changed slightly, instead of each being one variable, they are broken into objects.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>// OLD format...

// NEW format...

// Notice how each used to be one variable name...
// Now they each are an object with the same enumeration inside them,
// just replace the first '_' with a '.' and they should work fine again!</code></pre></li>
<li><p><code>wcLayout's</code> have changed in the following ways:</p>
<li>The original layout class has been renamed to <a href="">wcLayoutTable</a>, and another type of layout now exists as <a href="">wcLayoutSimple</a>.</li>
<li><code>wcLayoutTable.addItem()</code> and <code>wcLayoutTable.item()</code> no longer return a jQuery object. Instead, they return a <a href="">layout table item</a> that can be used to make alterations to that cell.</li>
<li><p>To use the simple layout on your panel, include the layout option when registering your panel:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>  myDocker.registerPanelType('Simple Panel', {
    // Use the simple layout for the entire panel.
    layout: wcDocker.LAYOUT.SIMPLE,
    onCreate: function(myPanel) {

      // Create a splitter widget with simple layouts.
      var splitter = new wcSplitter($someContainer, myPanel, wcDocker.ORIENTATION.HORIZONTAL);
      splitter.initLayouts(wcDocker.LAYOUT.SIMPLE, wcDocker.LAYOUT.SIMPLE);

      // Create a tab frame widget with a tab that uses a simple layout.
      var tabFrame = new wcTabFrame($someContainer, myPanel);
      tabFrame.addTab('Custom Tab 1', 0, wcDocker.LAYOUT.SIMPLE).addItem($someItem);
<li>The following functions are now <code>deprecated</code> and will be removed in an upcoming version:<ul>
<li><code>wcDocker.basicMenu()</code>, renamed to <code></code>.</li>
<li><p><strong><code>Collapsible panels:</code></strong> Panels can now be collapsed to the side or bottom of the screen, where they become a slide-out drawer above the main layout.</p>
<li><p><strong><code>Panel creation elements:</code></strong> Instead of relying on the context-menu controls to add new panels, you can now add the CSS class <strong><code>&quot;wcCreatePanel&quot;</code></strong> to any dom element along with the data attribute <strong><code>&quot;panel&quot;</code></strong> and wcDocker will treat it as a panel creation control. A user will then be able to drag-drop that element into their view to create new panels of the specified type.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>  {@lang xml}&lt;span class=&quot;wcCreatePanel&quot; data-panel=&quot;My Custom Panel Type&quot;>Create My Custom Panel Type&lt;/span></code></pre></li>
<li><p><strong><code>Tab orientation:</code></strong> Tab controls displayed on panels and the custom tab widget can now be oriented to the left, right, or bottom edges (browser must support css transforms).</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>  myDocker.addPanel('Some Panel', wcDocker.DOCK.STACKED, parentPanel, {tabOrientation: wcDocker.TAB.BOTTOM});

  var myCustomTabFrame = new wcTabFrame(domElem, myPanel);
<li>Built in loading screens for both panels (<code>wcPanel.startLoading()</code> and <code>wcPanel.finishLoading()</code>), and the entire window (<code>wcDocker.startLoading()</code> and <code>wcDocker.finishLoading()</code>), and also included a new <code>wcDocker.EVENT.LOADED</code> event that is triggered once all panels have been initialized and have finished their loading screens if they've started one.</li>
<li>Great improvements to splitter bar movement, moving one splitter no longer causes others to move (unless it explicitly pushes them).</li>
<li>Improvements to the wcLayout object, css changes to the table cells and rows are now persistent even if the grid size changes.</li>
<li>Tab widgets now only show on panel frames that contain more than one panel.</li>
<li>Panels can now be registered as <code>persistent</code>.<ul>
<li>When the user closes a persistent panel, it is hidden instead of destroyed.</li>
<li>When the user adds that panel back into their view, if there are any previously hidden panels of that type, it will be shown instead of creating a new panel instance.<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>myDocker.registerPanelType('persistent panel', {
  isPersistent: true,
  onCreate: function(myPanel) {
    myPanel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.PERSISTENT_CLOSED, function() {
      // The user has closed this panel, but instead of being destroyed, it is only hidden.
    myPanel.on(wcDocker.EVENT.PERSISTENT_OPENED, function() {
      // The user added this panel type, but actually only re-shown this persistent version of the panel instead.
<li><p>The collapse direction button on a panel can now be overridden if the built in calculation does not meet your needs. See <a href="">wcPanel#collapseDirection</a> for more information.</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>  // You can override the direction with your own calculation function callback
  myPanel.collapseDirection(function(bounds) {
    return wcDocker.DOCK.LEFT;

  // Or you can set it to a static direction

  // Or you can restore it back to the default calculation
<li>Source code now supports <a href="">DCL</a>!</li>
<li>Front page Theme Builder is now built into the libraries.<ul>
<li>To include it in your project, you will need to include <a href="">spectrum</a> into your project as well as register a panel to be used for the theme builder:<pre class="prettyprint source"><code>myDocker.registerPanelType('Theme Builder', {
  faicon: 'map',
  onCreate: wcThemeBuilder
<h4>Version: 2.2.0</h4><ul>
<li>Separated the default theme out of <code>wcDocker.css</code> (now use <code>wcDocker.css</code> with <code>Themes/default.css</code>).</li>
<li>Added <code>wcDocker.panelTypeInfo()</code> and <code></code> that will retrieve the registration data of a panel.</li>
<li>Added <code>wcDocker.panelTypes()</code> to retrieve a list of all registered panel types.</li>
<li>New event type <code>wcDocker.EVENT.INIT</code>.</li>
<li>Panel width and height can now be retrieved.</li>
<li><code>wcPanel</code> functions <code>initPos</code>, <code>initSize</code>, <code>minSize</code>, and <code>maxSize</code> can now take a string value with a <code>'px'</code> or <code>'%'</code> suffix.</li>
<li>Fixed issue with using normal CSS icons in the context menu.</li>
<li>Improved auto scrolling of tab items when clicked.</li>
<li>Create your own <code>wcTabFrame</code> widget within your panels.</li>
<li>Create your own <code>wcIFrame</code> widget within your panels.</li>
<li>Floating panels can now be modal.</li>
<h4>Version: 2.1.0</h4><ul>
<li><code>wcDocker</code> now has Bower support for easy package management.</li>
<li><code>wcSplitter</code> is now usable inside a panel.</li>
<li>Improved performance of panel resizing.</li>
<li><code>wcPanel.focus()</code> now actually sets itself as the current active tab.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker.registerPanelType()</code> has a new option <code>{limit: Number}</code> that limits the total number of copies for this panel.</li>
<li>New event type <code>wcDocker.EVENT.VISIBILITY_CHANGED</code>, triggered whenever the panel gains or loses visibility.  Use <code>wcPanel.isVisible()</code> to retrieve the current state.</li>
<li>Reduced DOM changes during tab change and resize.</li>
<li>New event types <code>wcDocker.EVENT.BEGIN_DOCK</code> and <code>wcDocker.EVENT.END_DOCK</code> that trigger whenever the user is dragging a panel to a new location.</li>
<li>New event types <code>wcDocker.EVENT.GAIN_FOCUS</code> and <code>wcDocker.EVENT.LOST_FOCUS</code> that trigger whenever a panel is brought it and out of focus.</li>
<li>Floating panels no longer change size whenever a new panel is added to it as a tab.</li>
<h4>Version: 2.0.0</h4><ul>
<li>Layout grid can now have a spacing size.</li>
<li>Layout grid can now be set to alternating row color.</li>
<li><code>wcLayout.item()</code> added to retrieve an already existing item in the layout.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker</code> can now send and receive events.</li>
<li><code>wcLayout</code> can now batch large numbers of elements added without page refreshing between each.</li>
<li><code>wcPanel</code> can now contain custom buttons that appear within the title bar.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker.basicMenu()</code> now has an option to include the default menu options along with your custom ones.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker.basicMenu()</code> can now accept a dynamic callback function that returns custom menu's at the time of the event.</li>
<li>New events added for resize start, resize end, move start, and move end.</li>
<li>Panels can now be set to hide their contents whenever they are resized.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker</code> constructor now takes an options object.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker</code> now has an option to disable the default context menu.</li>
<li>Panel tabs are now scrollable.</li>
<li>Icons are now supported using regular CSS or the Font-Awesome library <a href=""></a>.</li>
<li><code>wcDocker.registerPanelType()</code> can now take an options object instead of just a single callback.</li>
<li>Fixed layout save/restore.</li>
<li>Fixed layout clear not actually removing elements.</li>
<li>Fixed compatibility with IE8.</li>
<li>Fixed tabs disappearing when the panel is too small to fit them.</li>
<li>JQuery Library version 1.11.1 <a href=""></a></li>
<li>JQuery ContextMenu Library <a href=""></a></li>
<li>Font-Awesome <a href=""></a></li>
<h3>License</h3><p><a href="">MIT License</a></p>
<p>&copy; 2014-2016 Jeff Houde (<a href=""></a>)</p>
<p>Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the &quot;Software&quot;), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:</p>
<p>The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.</p>
<h3>Suggestions/Comments?</h3><p>Please feel free to contact me, Jeff Houde (<a href=""></a>), for any information or to give feedback and suggestions.  Also, if you are a web programmer, and believe you can help, please let me know!</p>
<p>Thank you</p></article>


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